Super Compost is a yard and garden compost. With its superior blend of both high nitrogen and organic components it ensures great fertilization as well as being weed free. Helps rejuvinate old depleted or heavy clay soil into rich organic high producing soil. This blend is also great for top dressing or mulching flower and garden beds.
Earthbank Fish Compost
Earthbank Fish Compost consists exclusively of wild and farmed fish, fir and hemlock ground bark, ground up land clearing debris, and some sawdust from local sawmills. Fish Compost is certified organic and can be used without restriction in all applications. It provides a nutrient rich and biologically active root medium that helps plants suppress disease and thrive. Fish Compost is a powerful soil amendment including use as a turf/lawn top dressing, mulch, and erosion control media, as it helps retain soil moisture. Earthbank Fish compost is finely screened, mature and has been composting for a minimum of two years with nitrogen levels of 1.5-2%